First Comic Devlog #comic #comicbook #sketches

How do you do? Hello, I go by Charcoal.

This is the first post for my currently-in-development comic on this site. I've had the script finished for a long time. Currently, I'm completing the finalized pencil sketches before inking and coloring. I'm currently aiming for an October or November release.

I have multiple scripts for comics written and since I'm out of high school and taking a leap year before college, I decided now to finally move forward with making them.

As of right now, I hope to finish one comic book. The one I'm making is 52 pages long. This might seem really long to some and the reason for that is because I feel like the adequate amount of pages for a comic book should be 14-64 pages. No more, no less. (If I go any higher, I might as well make it a two-parter or turn it into a graphic novel.) I can also have so much I want to say for a story to the point that I don't want to leave out a lot of the details. So this might be a longer comic that some comic/manga readers are used to.

I'm making the comic in bunches right now, doing sketches first then inking, then painting/coloring, then shading in that order. For shading, I'm aiming for cel shading in the comic itself and realistic shading for the cover and publicity art.

Before I conclude this post, I'm gonna drop a few pictures of the in-development comic so you all can get an idea of what you're getting into. These are just sketches with some reference images.

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