Happy Labor Day Everyone!

I've had my first cup of coffee in Arizona. I bought myself a box of 48 coffee capsules of vanilla coffee. I usually drink one cup per day so I have enough for nearly 7 weeks worth of coffee. You're now looking at a regular coffee drinking. Before this, I usually have coffee almost daily during the summer with a rule of one cup maximum to avoid health complications. Because coffee affects last for 4-6 hours so after one cup, I don't need more right away. If I'm up in the morning for more than an hour without coffee, I automatically don't need it. Drinking coffee the rest of the year is few and far between. The coffee I do get during that period is either from Starbucks or from a hotel during road trips/Disneyland. I would drink Starbucks coffee so fast to the point that during my final month of high school, I had a one minute timer run after every time I take a sip to slow myself down.

Yesterday, I dropped a comic strip. I hope to start doing weekly comic strips. I have multiple scripts for future strips in mind and written down, one of which is planned to release on Halloween. (Charcoal Rabbit Tales or Kaden Caverns) I hope to release 1 or at most 2 per week. My day of choice for releasing weekly comics is Sunday. I already have next week’s strip done and another one of my future strips had me draw a human character.

I've been posting my comic strips as short videos on Tik-Tok and YouTube and they've been performing pretty well with the recent 3 strips going into triple digits in the views. So I won't be slowing down anytime soon. Just drawing my comic book when I find the time, making weekly strips, and learning by doing.

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